Rising energy prices and village halls

With over half of England’s rural community buildings reporting financial difficulties as a result of rising energy prices, there is a risk that many will close this winter without support

This briefing draws on data from a survey completed by nearly 900 village halls buildings, along with anecdotal feedback from ACRE Network members to describe how the energy crisis is being felt by these important rural community buildings, and the challenges that will need to be overcome to make sure they continue to provide warm, welcoming spaces for local residents and businesses this winter.

Specifically, we are calling for:

  1. A continuation of immediate financial discounts beyond March 2023, to last for as long as energy prices continue to show volatility in the market
  2. A permanent reduction in the tax payable by village halls on their energy bills
  3. Dedicated longer-term grant funding for making energy improvements to community buildings
  4. Financial support for village halls to become Warm Hubs as has been pioneered by Community Action Northumberland (CAN) where people can socialise in warm, welcoming spaces and receive energy advice at the same time

Please note the briefing was last revised in October 2022 to reflect new data.