Our view on how policy makers can improve opportunities for those who live and work in the countryside

In 2023, we asked ACRE Network colleagues to identify the most pressing challenges facing rural communities in their area. We heard a familiar story of diminishing public services, unaffordable housing and aging populations which seem to escape the attention of policy makers.

Using this feedback, we developed and agreed 32 recommendations that we hope will be taken up by the next government to improve opportunities for everyone living and working in the countryside. These are grouped around four key themes:

  1. Proactively ‘rural proofing’ domestic policy
  2. Investing in services, infrastructure and affordable housing
  3. Supporting community-led action
  4. Enabling rural communities to contribute to, and benefit from the transition to Net Zero

ACRE and its members organisations are using this document to stimulate a conversation with policy makers ahead of the general election.

Read the press release.